Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Returning from my brush with death

Okay some of you may have spotted the vast amount of posts today. No I am not that bored at work (well...........) but in fact have cheated and shifted over my original blog entries from Myspace to a place someone might actually read them.

So this is in fact the first new one in a few weeks. Ironically as my first blog said, its been because I have been in bed. Though this time it wasn`t the old school lie, but a dose of weird cold/flu. Obviously being a man this means I was touching death at points, but I seemed to have recovered enough so am back to work. Yay!

Well since my last posting (which was actually three weeks ago) several things have changed. On the house move Kempston is not now front runner.... because someone has suddenly decided to build a giant aquarium in it. Now as you may well learn over the next few months, I am a fish fan (prepare the Simpsons sleeps with fishes joke), but I am not that much of a fish fan. So the hunt for the area moves on.

Anyway what I wanted to explain about today was this whole poker thang. As there are so many versions of the game then I thought I better explain the rules of my game.

So the plan is to try and raise enough money that would cover my full mortgage at some point in the future. Now you could argue, "well if he is that good then it only takes a couple of high stakes games and your laughing". Well trust me I am not that good. In fact I am starting here from rock bottom. I have been playing online poker now for around a year, and I started off with a pot of $50, and playing at the lowest level tables you can find. Having only gone broke once (So had to put another $50 in) thats been my starting point.

As for the type of game, well I have tried cash games, and failed dismally. By my reckoning I couldn`t have burnt money any quicker than I lost it in the cash games. Not so much from bad play as bad results with too much money riding on them. So I have adopted Sit 'n' Go`s (SNG) as my profit of choice - which many who play the game think a bit of an odd choice as the profit margins aren`t good.

So how does a Sit 'n' Go (SNG) work. Well in the ones I play 10 players pay a set amount of money to play the game. They play against each other in a "mini" tournament, and the last three win money. 3rd gets 20% of the winning, 2nd gets 30% and 1st gets 50%. Simple as that. When I first started playing I was playing in games where the initial payment in was $1 meaning that the most you could win was $3. As you can tell - not a lot. Well over a year, and going through levels I am now playing $5 SNGs. My current intention is to stick with SNGs throughout this plan and just raise the level I play at when I feel my game and my bank balance can withstand it.

With illness having struck there was plenty of time to use a laptop in bed. Now, I made the novel decision that rather than surf the net for porn, I would instead play a few games, and the bad streak has turned around a bit. So with this blog entry coming to an end, I can tell you the pot now stands at:


I thank you!

Oh, and I promise, this blog won`t just be about poker. If only because I have a very short attention span and am bound to ramble on about something or other.

The House That I Built

So after ten years of living in the village most people have referred to as both "Royston Vasey", and "The place my SatNav can`t find" I have decided its time to up sticks and move.

Yes I know I have been banging on about this for years, but this time it really truly will happen! You want to know how committed I am to this - I am even covering the strange wooden beams behind the radiator in the lounge. See now you know I`m serious.

The plan has always been to come nearer into London, and so I am looking to find a place that is available on more than just one train line - call me old fashioned but having my whole life grind to a halt anytime Midland Mainline has a stress just isn`t funny any more. I need to find a place where at least two train lines can fall apart at the same time.

Current front runner is Kempston. But on the basis I change my mind as often as I change my socks (about once a month) it could well change. We shall watch this space. Launch date, or as it will come to be known F-day ie "how the F*** are you going to move that fish tank" day is aiming to be Xmas.

IN other matters, clearly this whole "can I pay my mortgage by poker" has already become the kiss of death having been hammered with a series of bad beats over the last couple of days. Cardinal rule of poker, no one gives a toss about your bad beats, so I`ll not write them down - but what I will do, at the end of each blog entry is give you the current pot total. If anything good happens outside of that, or I suudenly need a rant, I`ll put it on here as well.

Cheers me dears,


Aggression Factor Flop 4

Okay, how impressive is this, two entries in one day. You all know it won`t last :-)

I have a feeling there may be two themes running through a lot of my blog posts, which may well culminate in them meeting together (oooh see how exciting this can all be). For the time being its time to talk about Agression Factor Flop 4, or, put it another way, can poker pay my mortgage!

I should explain that AFF4 was a phrase that has become synonimous (spelling was never my forte) with a program called Poker Night Live. Never seen it - shame on you, it was clearly your fault it got cancelled! :-) Basically a three hour nightly program of people commentating on poker hands.... seemingly the most boring thing in the world! Well the thing is you can`t comment on poker for three hours a night, so some pretty random subjects came up in discussion. Apparently only Dracula can beat The Thing in Top Trumps. See did you know that, no neither did I !

Anyway watching the program led me to dabbling in a bit of online poker myself. Now for those of you who know me I am no gambler, and started playing it at 25p tables I suspect I`ll never be retiring on the proceeds, though I have noticed in the few months that I have been playing that my initial $50 bankroll is now up to $300.

This morning I also got a white envelope through the post telling me the yealy misery that is my endowment policy growth. (Bear with me this will get interesting in a minute). I realised that I had earnt more from my poker than I had from my endowment policy. So the question is can I make more money from my poker playing than I can from my investment. Will poker pay for my house! I have fifteen years left, so this could be a really long blog. he he

Anyway thats enough for today. All we have left to say is WE LOVE YOU NICK AND MATT!

So this is a blog?

Okey dokey, well working with computer for most of my day I feel like I must be missing out on some part of the tinternet by not writing a blog. Now if this goes anything like it did with a diary I wrote when I was at school this will mean that after a couple of entries I`ll start saying that I went to bed at midday.... saved me having to think of anything else to say.