Thursday, 22 May 2008

Yeah Yeah Yeah Clown Boy

Hi people,

Well I am back from my jaunts, and have managed not to sell myself into slavery in return for camels. So bonus. On the plus side I can say "Carter Beats the Devil" is a perfect holiday book, and never try to get to a coral reef before a Russian - they always make sure they get there first by fair means or foul!

Well between holidays, relationship stuff (in a good not a bad way) and house stuff (yeah remember that, moving and all that jazz) I have managed to play a bit of poker but not as much as I would have liked to. However I seem to have been going on a streak of finishing in 3rd place recently so the pot doesn`t look at healthy as the amount of games I have been playing.

Now I need to preface this with a slight diversion. As you will all be aware I am in perpetual mourning for the ending of PNL. However whilst sneaking through the lower spectrum of satellite channels (and of course not at all looking for any late night dodgy entertainment) I came accross what seems to be a weird arts/poker hybrid TV channel. At around 10 p.m. it has started showing sit n go`s and last table tournaments from PKR with commentary attached. I have to say it isn`t bad.

Now at no point has it, as yet, ever come close to the sarcasm levels of The Thing vs Dracula on PNL but it still has just enough levels of sarcasm to get me through an evening (or my ironing at least). The commentary, from three experts of slightly different styles is a nice variation and offer a few alternatives to mix your game up. I have even used some of the suggestions to good use in a few SNGs.

I have never played on PKR but its a 3D version where you can create your own avatar and emote throughout a game. Funny that every male avatar on there looks like a cool Scandanavian twentysomething with a beret. Call me stupid but wouldn`t there be just a little tilt value in having your avatar as a giant clown, or an old woman of 80? Though to be honest I think there is huge tilt value just on wanting to get out of a game where everyone keeps saying "YEAH YEAH YEAH" and "READ EM AND WEEP" every five minutes!

I digress. What has surprised me is that I think the whole of has started watching this program the same time I have. I have been playing $5 S&Gs since getting back from holiday, simply because I wanted quick games and a little more auto pilot. However the style of game is clearly changing on there. Calling stations are getting less, hammer moves and three barrel firing is being implemented, and the quality of the game is definately improving - just playing super tight aggressive isn`t enough to get into the money now, you are having to make a lot more moves. The surprise has been that these plays are coming from the UK players, rather than european players. Does this mean that whilst I was in Egypt there was a huge poker tutorial on TV that I missed out? If so did Graham Norton host it?

If it all carries on like this I may have to dig out my Harrington books again! Sacrilege!

With work completely done on my house now, I am taking a couple of weeks break before getting the estate agents in (oh joy!). That, along with a bank holiday coming up, I am hoping to get some more games in. These will either be at the $10, 10 player SNG level, or may add a bit of vareity and try a 30 player $5 SNG. Will keep you updated on the next one of these.

Until then, ta ra for now.

Pot total: $514.98 (rise of $9.50 since last blog)