Wednesday 8 August 2007

Aggression Factor Flop 4

Okay, how impressive is this, two entries in one day. You all know it won`t last :-)

I have a feeling there may be two themes running through a lot of my blog posts, which may well culminate in them meeting together (oooh see how exciting this can all be). For the time being its time to talk about Agression Factor Flop 4, or, put it another way, can poker pay my mortgage!

I should explain that AFF4 was a phrase that has become synonimous (spelling was never my forte) with a program called Poker Night Live. Never seen it - shame on you, it was clearly your fault it got cancelled! :-) Basically a three hour nightly program of people commentating on poker hands.... seemingly the most boring thing in the world! Well the thing is you can`t comment on poker for three hours a night, so some pretty random subjects came up in discussion. Apparently only Dracula can beat The Thing in Top Trumps. See did you know that, no neither did I !

Anyway watching the program led me to dabbling in a bit of online poker myself. Now for those of you who know me I am no gambler, and started playing it at 25p tables I suspect I`ll never be retiring on the proceeds, though I have noticed in the few months that I have been playing that my initial $50 bankroll is now up to $300.

This morning I also got a white envelope through the post telling me the yealy misery that is my endowment policy growth. (Bear with me this will get interesting in a minute). I realised that I had earnt more from my poker than I had from my endowment policy. So the question is can I make more money from my poker playing than I can from my investment. Will poker pay for my house! I have fifteen years left, so this could be a really long blog. he he

Anyway thats enough for today. All we have left to say is WE LOVE YOU NICK AND MATT!

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